Monday, July 28, 2008


We are packed and on ½ hour standby for evacuation as wildfires rage in Midpines and upper Mariposa. The roads are lined with emergency vehicles and news relays stations as more fire crews and land-leveling contractors caravan in from all over California, Nevada and surrounding states. Helicopters and air attack bombers corkscrew through the ginger skies zipping in and out of the next canyon, dumping water and fire suppressants as part of the concerted effort to save Mariposa and the remainder of Midpines. The air grows more weighty as the acrid plume continues deposing debris on the already gray-coated surroundings. I recently picked up this charming Christmas tree at a dollar-a-bag garage sale. It is an example of the plentiful carnival glass available in Mariposa. These two delicate vases demonstrate the quality Occupied Japan relics also turning up in the area. I am looking forward to Sage’s baptism. It will be wonderful seeing Sage take this important step confirming her desire to follow the Savior. Spending time with family will also be great.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Box Cameras c.1920 Japanese Mini’s c.1950

I picked up this cute little antique rocking chair for $40 a month ago. The production date is difficult to read but it appears to be late 1800‘s. Mariposa is a veritable repository of antiques, especially carnival glass. A few weeks ago I bought an entire carnival glass collection (25 pieces) for $25 at a garage sale. One exceptional piece, a flawless orange candy dish with beautiful blue, violet, orange and gold highlights, priced out at $495 on the carnival glass connection - not bad for a dollar! That piece has been added to Alli’s growing collection.